Get That Booty! The Anubis (Legs) Workout

Hello Everyone I know its been a killer long time between posts but I do want to change that By offering a part of one of my most successful and ‘sexy-making’ routines. I used the Anubis workout right before I hosted my Anubis costume. Wiiiide Chest, tight tummy, and strong legs 😉

Like the featured image, The featured workout is one for your legs! Time to get that booty!

Anubis Leg Workout

  • Power Squats (Upon pushing back up, push through all the way on your tippy toes and use lighter than normal weight here): 4×6
  • Straight Leg Deadlift 3×10
  • Sit-to-Stand Squats: 3×10-12
  • Plank with Glut Raises 3×12 (each leg)


  • Plank with Bent Knee Leg Raises 3×12 (each leg)

HIIT Cardio: Stair Climber or high incline on the treadmill

Eat clean and drink at least 3 liters to a gallon of water everyday and you’ll have the MOST delicious booty that even an Egyptian god would envy! 😉

You can see another sample of my Anubis workout featured in Gloss Magazine! Its chest and bicep portion featured in their FitPolice section here:

Gloss Magazine issue #12 (Pages 104-105)























Before starting any kind of exercise regimen, consult with your physician. I cannot be held responsible for your actions.


Your Sex Questions Answered 3 (feat. Upping your Libido)

That’s right! It’s time for you, yes YOU! The readers, twitterfolk, facebookers, and followers of all kinds have their sex questions answered by yours truly! 🙂  Like before, I will leave the name anonymous but I will add gender, age, and general location if available.


Hey Wolfie,

I have been loosing my sex drive over the past month or so and it has been really bothering me. It has got to a point where its affecting my performance and sex in general with my husband. Do you have any tips that may help me?

Male, 29 Illinois

Sounds like your libido (or sex drive) has been decreased. This may be a medical issue (i.e. low testosterone, etc.) and you should follow-up with your PCP. However, your libido is a convoluted ‘thing’ which involves physical, mental, and emotional components. It very may be just be some simple thing not being addressed in your life. Whatever the case, I would like to share with you my top 10 ways to boost libido (not in any particular order) :

  1. Red wine with a little cinnamon in it and simmered for a wee bit can increase circulation and decrease anxiety.
  2. You may want to try aphrodisiacs like roll-on perfumes or cologne enhanced with pheromones or even things like oysters or pumpkin seeds which are loaded with ZINC which is the same stuff that is essential for fertility and making your money shot copious and creamy 😉
  3. Expanding on Aphrodisiacs, you try my chocolate and maca root drink recipe (Wolfie’s Hard On Brew) HERE
  4. EXERCISE will help keep the blood flowing and increase mood which is good for libido.
  5. Eat the right things! Expanding a bit on number 3, try to keep your diet colorful with your fruits and vegetables with at least 5 to 9 servings. This insures your body and your sexual organs receive exactly what it needs to perform well!
  6. A massage or light touching can reduce stress and anxiety and create a wonderful mood for intimacy. It is also extremely beneficial for those suffering from depression.
  7. Break any bad habits like eating too much processed sugar or smoking it can affect your insulin levels and circulation.
  8. Learn to feel good about yourself. Give yourself compliments in the mirror, smile more, and just spoil yourself when you feel down. Better self-esteem = better libido
  9. Water. Adequate water intake ( like 3 Liters) does wonders for your body. Even reduces fine wrinkles and disease.
  10. Experiment. Sometimes experimenting in the bedroom can be a very healing experience 🙂

Just make sure you follow through with your Physician first to rule out any medical problems and go from there.


Hello Wolfie, I was hoping you could help me with this problem.

See After I got married, I noticed my husband started to put on some weight and he cannot stand how his body looks and it bothers him too much to be aroused. Is there anything I can do to help him?

Female, 25 New Mexico

It sounds like your husband is feeling less desirable because of the weight gain. (I might be making an assumption with this point but) Change some of your lifestyle habits may be a good start; like start a hobby together such as dancing, soccer, sailing, surfing, running, weight training and focus on some your guys’ food choices and make them better and more sensible for an active lifestyle.

Also get him to talk! Communication is key, especially with your sex life! A healthy and happy sexual relationship is where you know each others needs and are prepared to give and receive.



I’ve been quite happily married for quite some time but I have been thinking about one of my coworkers at work a lot. She’s funny, we have lunch together on our breaks and I just can’t stop thinking about her. I think about her so much that I just tune out my wife sometimes…We haven’t done anything but I was just wondering if I am getting in deep water here?

Male, 27 San Diego

Well…Yes you are definitely putting yourself in a dangerous situation. You have to make a choice here. Do you want to threaten your marriage you invested x amount of years into? Or would you like rekindle your passion and commitment to your wife? Fantasies are healthy and yes, I have heard of open relationships but in any case it sounds like you have run into a rut with your relationship, no? All that routine can really dampen a love life. Bring the spark back into it by taking your wife out on dates again, buy some sexy underwear for her (and you 😉 ) , Kiss her, hug her, open your heart again with your wife and keep it ‘professional’ with your coworker.



I have been so lonely and well, my partner left me for another man not too long ago. How do I go about finding the confidence to have my heart out there again?

Male, 22 Nevada

A valid question. I am so sorry it didn’t work out with that guy but I wanted to tell you that those feelings are normal to a degree and it really, really hurts 😦 . Finding the confidence again to go out and see other people will take: time, patience, and loving yourself. Start by going to the gym, take a few community college courses if you’re not in school already, or take a community garden/cooking class, volunteer, paint (yes paint, it opens up your emotions), even see a therapist if need be. The idea here is to nurture yourself. You are beautiful person and you deserve to love yourself and someone out there deserves to love you too! 🙂



Well that’s all the questions I have right now, If you feel like asking a sex question anonymously and have it featured here, feel free to email me or send me a message and I’ll get right on it 🙂 I also like to remind you that these questions are for educational purposes only any advice or thoughts here are taken at reader’s own risk. I cannot be held responsible for your actions!



Where’s the doggy? Where have you been? (Feat. Space Explorer Workout)

Hey everyone! I am so sorry for no updates the past couple months. I have been making appearances, gogo dancing, and yes shooting again most recently for PeterFever for their Novella series, season 3. The shoot was quite fantastic. As well as the outings in Vegas ;). I topped for the majority of the scenes: ripping off a t-shirt down to F**# the god in the making, Trelino 😉 . I even ‘aggressively’ bottomed for Jessie. I can’t wait till they come out!

In the near future, I have another booking in a few days (hopefully) and I will be gogo dancing at Badlands in SF on the 7th of August.

So there you go, just Reeeeaaaallly busy! However, I thought I’d make up for it and let you guys in on a neat little workout. A sample for the upper body. 😉

I worked with a trainer trying to figure out something fun. SO using our imagination we worked on a workout that would simulate a space explorer’s workout. You know those sci-fi movies, where the explorer as a wide chest, big arms and lean tight torso!

Here’s for one of the days that target the  Chest, Biceps, Traps, and Core.

Warmup: Hula hoop 10 minutes

Decline Chest Press 3×10-12

Dumbbell Chest Press 3×10,8,6 (with each set use heavier weight [pyramid up in weight])

{Machine Chest Flye 4×6-8}


{Pushups 4×15-20}

Bicep Rope Curl 3×10,8,6 (with each set use heavier weight [pyramid up in weight])

Reverse Grip Bicep Curl 3×12

Farmer’s Walk Lunge W/ Shrug 3×10

{Incline Crunches 3-4×15-20}


Planks 3-4x1min

Absolutely no cardio this day except in your short warmup…your body will be spent definitely!!

I appreciate your guy’s support! More plans definitely to come in the next couple of months and I’ll be happy to share them once they come into fruition. Till then, enjoy the workout and your weekend :)~

**Note before starting any kind of workout, talk to your health care professionals. I cannot take responsibility for your actions.

Recipes For The Bedroom and The Gym (Feat. My “HARD ON” Brew & Protein Pudding)

Hey everyone! As some of you may know from my twitter and Facebook feeds, I have been working of several recipes to enhance your experience in the gym and of course…in the bedroom. As such I wanted to highlight several recipes that I have found to work the best and share them with you!

Chocolate Protein Pudding: Is it possible?? YES! I managed to create this tasty snack/meal for those who want to satisfy their sweet tooth without sacrificing a flat stomach.


  • Lucerne’s Protein Plus Milk (a milk with extra protein and extremely light on the carbs and sugars) if cannot be found 1%-2% milk will work since they usually have the lightest in carbs and sugars.
  • J-ELLO Instant Chocolate Pudding Mix (sugar-free and fat-free kind)
  • Chocolate Protein Powder (PHASE8  or PRO-NOS I have found to mix the best!) **A VEGA brand protein powder is a good substitute if you would like extra nutrients.

Follow the directions on the back of the pudding box. They usually ask for two to three cups of milk. Take one cup of milk and pour it into a blender or shaker cup and add a serving of your protein powder into it. Shake or blend well. Take the remaining one or two cups of milk (depending on directions on pudding box) and pour into a mixing bowl. Then add the protein mixture and pudding mix into the bowl. Whisk well (there may still be some lumps but this is normal). Pour into small single serving tupperwares. I find that I can usually have enough for two to three containers, each holding a serving.  Place in the fridge and the pudding should usually soft set within 5-10 minutes.

This is the pudding that REALLY helped me achieve great strides in my fitness as you can see 😉 :


Baked Egg Cups: Sick  of scrambled eggs or egg whites? x.x They are a staple for us folks who work out a lot but I had to find a new way to eat them in a convenient way and with a little thought I came up with this!


  • 4 Eggs
  • Non-stick Cooking Spray
  • Muffin Tin
  • Splash of milk if whisking eggs into scramble
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • May add ingredients like bacon, spinach, tomatoes etc (optional)
  • Add salsa, cheese, and/or sesame oil as toppers

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray generously a couple of the muffin pits with the non-stick cooking spray (two to three muffin spaces). You can either beat your eggs together and add the splash of milk (with the added options of bacon, spinach, tomatoes, etc) and fill each tin 2/3 the way full OR you can crack a 1 whole egg with 1 egg white in each space OR 2 egg whites in each space. Sprinkle salt or pepper in each muffin space to taste and place tin in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to watch your eggs so they don’t overcook and get rubbery. Once done baking, you can use a spatula or fork to pop them right out! Top with cheese, salsa, or sesame oil as desired.

Best part is you can even wrap these guys up in plastic wrap and freeze them and heat them up later in the microwave! :3

Ancient Olympian Stamina Brew: Based on several recipes used by ancient olympic athletes to increase stamina.


  • 1 Tablespoon Poppy Seeds
  • Honey to taste
  • Sweet Red Wine
  • Cinnamon Stick

add the poppy seeds and the honey to the glass of wine and stir with cinnamon stick. Leave the poppy seeds and cinnamon stick in the glass of wine and allow to steep for 15 minutes or so. Strain out the seeds and enjoy 1 hour prior to your workout.


Wolfie’s HARD ON Brew (Xocotl inspired): I wanted to mimic those hard on pills on a more instantaneous level. Inspired by the Mayan and Aztec Xocotl drink, a chocolate drink which was used to increase stamina, strength, and energy. Like Viagra, this infusion will increase blood flow, heighten the senses, and turn you on like a freaking light bulb ;)~ **I had to find some substitutes for some of the ingredients and added some to increase effectiveness.

  • 2-3 parts Organic Cocoa Powder
  • 1 1/2 parts Maca Root Powder
  • 2 parts Yohimbe
  • 1/8 or sprinkle part Organic Cheyenne Chile Powder
  • 1 part Honey or Organic sugar
  • 1/4 part Cinnamon
  • 450-900mg of Saw Palmetto
  • 500-1000mg L-Arginine

Add ingredients to your mug and pour hot water and stir until mixed well. Serve warm. The taste may be a bit of a put off but my god does it work! Play around with the amounts of each ingredient. Great to use right before exercise or sex 😉


Xocotl Inspired Drink


That wraps it up! So, go and try these recipes and may it enhance your gym and sexual experiences!!

Speaking of sexual ;)~ Don’t forget I still have my Promo-Code: WOLFIE50 that can be used on sites like Falcon, Raging Stallion, Fetishforce and HotHouse for 50% off on your membership!


**NOTE: These recipes are (c) to myself! Please direct interested parties to me AND don’t consume or start any regime without the consent of your physician first! I cannot be help responsible for your actions.



14 Days to a Rocking Body + Personal Update

Hey there! After giving much thought, I decided to share with you guys a workout routine with an eating schedule that can get you in rocking shape in about 14 days. It targets a person who is in average to good shape so PLEASE ask your physician before starting such a regimen because I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

The reason I created this routine is because during last year, shortly after my shoot with Naked Sword, I suffered a lower back injury by saving somebody from falling (won’t go into detail). Any who, I was out of commission until January. Upon completing my physical therapy in January, Falcon Studios/Raging Stallion sent me a message with the invite to work for them. I looked in the mirror….”Freaking Great” I looked horrible! Thank god I kept up good eating habits but still! I sent a message back, agreeing to work with them and got the dates of production time (roughly two weeks later).

Here comes the hard part: I needed to restructure my diet, add a little supplementation, and a crazy workout to get into tip top shape! However, I had to keep in mind that I had also just recovered from a back injury too!

SO Below, I will share my secret on how I nailed a rocking body!

Nutrition: (sample) (low carb)


Multivitamin, 3 egg whites, 2 cups of canteloupe, black plain coffee


Unsweetened almond milk blended with papaya and honey (Secret smoothie/elixir for your skin!! drinking 1-2 glasses a  day can make your skin glow 😉 ).


Salad with walnuts and berries, chicken 5oz, green tea

(Post-workout) snack:

Double Dose protein Shake (50G protein)


Steamed Vegetables, Pumpkin Soup, grilled bison

Before Bed:

Glass of unsweetened almond milk or one-dose protein shake

Super Hero Workout:

Lift Days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Cardio is 20 Minute HIIT on Monday and Friday and steady-state 70% max heart rate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (amount of time explained below). Saturday, Sunday off. USE a good pre-workout that has some thermogenic affect too. I used a pre-workout called Black Powder Ultra – but any decent supplement will do just fine because you just need that extra support to make the fast changes.

Monday: Chest, Back, & Core

Incline Crunches: 3 x 10

Atomic Pushups: 3 x 10

Incline Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Pull-Ups: 4 x 6-8

Dumbbell Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Dumbbell Row: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6

Incline Chest Flye: 5 x 5 (Each repetition hold for 5 seconds)


Reverse Flye: 5 x 5 (Each Repetition hold for 5 seconds)

20 minutes HIIT Cardio

Tuesday: 30 minutes 70% max HR (i.e. Jogging)

Wednesday: Shoulders, Traps, Biceps, Triceps

Handstand Pushups: 3 x 10 (If this is too hard try Shimming back and forth across a pull up bar)

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: 4 x 10

Smith Machine Shrug: 4 x 10

Bicep Rope Curl: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Tricep Rope Pulldown: 4 x 12, 10, 8 ,6

3-point Lateral Raise: 3 x 10

Farmer’s Walk with Shrug: 3 x 10

Hammer Curl: 5 x 10


Tricep Extension: 5 x 10

20 minute 70% max HR: (i.e. Hula Hoop, eliptical)

Thursday: 70% max HR: (i.e. Jogging)

Friday: Legs, Core

Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 20

Planks: 3 x 1 minute

Squats: 5 x 20 (No weight added)

Phoenix Squat: (right leg crossed behind the left leg; arms bent, palms out) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

(Super-set) **These squats are me secret weapon to great legs 😉 **

Dragon Squats: (Like the Phoenix squat except have your left leg crossed behind the right leg; arms extended, palms down) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

Abductors: 4 x 10


Adductors: 4 x 10

Standing Calf Raise: 5 x 5 (Hold for 5 seconds)

20 Minute HIIT Cardio

Saturday: OFF


T-Pushups: 3 x 10

Bench Press: 4-5 x 10

Lat Pull Down: 3 x 10

Upright Row: 3 x 10

Bicep Concentration Curl: 3 x 10 (each side)

Dips: 3 x 6-8

Box Jumps: 3 x 15

Leg Extensions: 3 x 10

Leg Curls: 3 x 10

Seated Calf Raise: 3 x 10

I know…Intense right?! THAT workout should give you the home field advantage! Just remember, again,  to talk with your physician first and know your limits!

On a more personal note, I have been in contact with a couple of studios and I ‘might’ be shooting with them soon if I hear back with some casting dates. I am still looking for new representation to help me find more work and I would like to branch out more. Love to work with a few women too (shocker) ! Beyond that, I think my goal now would try and work suuupppppper hard for a contract! Perhaps a long shot…but I do have this blog to add some leverage maybe. I guess we will have to see what happens down the line!

ALSO my promo code has extended through the rest of the year: wolfie50 will still get you 50% off the websites: Falcon Studios, Raging Stallion, Fetish Force.

CLICK HERE for a direct link.

You can also view my scenes on VOD at Naked Sword too! 🙂

Okay, that’s all for now 🙂 Enjoy the workout and rock on!

How to Protect Yourself as a Model and Be Ready For Anything!

I get a lot of modeling questions (where to start, is this a good agency, how do I workout, etc). I don’t think I am the best to answer these questions, however, I would like to point out specific subject matter that came to my attention not too long ago. In the (Adult) modeling world, there are some very plausible and even dangerous situations one can find themselves in. If I haven’t hinted it by now I would like to reveal that I have had training and ‘need-to-know’ information that would make me formidable in many scenarios. I would like to set up some examples here and what you could do to protect yourself in case you run into mental/emotional, legal, physical, or other dangerous situations. Each scenario is hypothetical and have the probability of happening (mild to extreme will be addressed)

Scenario 1: A contract is breached between you and your agency or studio/company by your agency or studio/company.

I have rarely seen this happen. When it does happen,  the law provides that if a promise is breached- the aim would be to restore the person wronged to the position they would occupy if the contract had not been breached, rather than punish the breaching party. However, most of the time to do this it can be expensive. Depending on what happened or is happening, try talking with your agency or studio first. I bet you anything, more than not, it was a mere oversight and they would be happy to work on the issue to make it right.

Scenario 2: In email, you find you are booked for a shoot! Congratulations! although you never figure out which company or website they work for. You arrive to a shoot on location and find out it’s an ‘audition’. You see a small HD camera on a tripod and 1 individual. After talking to the individual, you never signed a release form for modeling.

I have found this scenario to happen quite often 😦 . I’d like to point out two red flags here, potentially three. The first is that you never know what company you are working for. This is bad because you never know if you sent an application to the party in question and you don’t know where your content will be posted. Second red flag is that there was no release form signed. This is BIG because it shares possible information that this ‘shoot’ may not be legitimate at all. Finally, the third red flag is the whole thing turning into a surprise audition!

While maybe, this may all be circumstance it may just be safer to just leave and avoid any conflict and/or harm that ‘might’ happen. It’s not worth it. Let the individual know you had a change of heart. Most likely, they won’t fuss over you leaving. If they do fuss or let’s say you decided to do the ‘audition’ and something goes wrong – doesn’t matter who they are or what reputation they have – get out of there and let someone know what happened.

If you are still unsure about a scenario such as this, then maybe it is better to get an agent to represent you. I am unsure what are the top agencies for straight models are but for the gay porn industry some of the best agents are: FabScout (a brilliant team whose models are extremely successful), BaileeyProductions (Great agency to work with), FCF Agency (Works extremely hard with both male and female models), AdultModelFinder (An experienced staff that works with a large number of studios 80+ I think). These guys have A LOT experience and can protect you from scenarios like these by never exposing you to them.

Scenario 3: A man in San Francisco, comes to talk to you and offers you a gig to come to a private party. You are expected to be in your underwear or naked mingling with guests. He emails you later with details about meeting up in San Francisco at a later date, compensation of $150.00 per hour plus tips, and leaves no number to contact him. When asking for the number he dodges or ignores the request(s) and asks you to meet him somewhere in San Francisco.

You could meet the man in person in a PUBLIC place to discuss the party in detail so you can determine for yourself if this is something real and would want to do. However, the whole thing does sound kind of fishy; it may be better to just let this one go and not pursue it any further. IF you do end up going you are taking the risk that this may be something more serious involving shady individuals, drugs, even some kind of sex trafficking. (I’m jumping the gun here I guess I know) Let’s say the party is pretty shady and beyond a reasonable doubt there is something illegal going on, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble fast…

The goal is for you to slip away unnoticed. Right when the party starts when people are distracted excuse yourself to the bathroom. Lock the door and look for a medicine cabinet. If you do find one sift through it. You may find a plethora of things but what I want you to look for is a medication bottle with a prescription. This is important because they have a legal name on it followed by sometimes a phone number and an address. Take a picture of the bottle with your phone. If you don’t have your phone try to remember what you have seen. After doing so, do your best to grab your things and quietly leave the party. Go to a public place and call the police to file a report. Since you have a name (from the medication bottle) the police should be able to follow-up on the matter.

Interestingly enough, this situation is actually based off of true events. Happened to a friend of mine, very peculiar situation he managed to avoid before things could have escalated into something more dangerous.

Scenario 4: While making an appearance at a bar, someone tries to pick a fight with you.

The best way out of this situation is to avoid the fight altogether and leave. However, if there is no way out of the situation the best way to survive the fight is to act so crazy and/or frightening that no one wants to fight you. You have to make people believe that you are bringing a level of violence completely out of proportion to the situation. Grabbing a chair in one hand and something in the other followed by screaming as loud as you can is a pretty safe bet to set the tone. It makes you look insane and gives the idea that you are going to be the one walking away from the fight–which means that probably no one is going to mess with you!

Scenario 5: Unusual circumstances puts you in immediate danger

In dangerous situations, you just need to get away as fast as you can. This question/situation asked is simply to vague to address BUT I am going to show you some easy mini-projects you can do at home or on the go to use to protect yourself in hypothetical situations.

1. Using a cheap lighter (the one with a valve on the opposite side of the trigger that has  – to + symbols on it) take the silver or black casing off of the lighter exposing the valve. I want you to crank it towards the + side then lift the crank up and back to the – symbol pulling the crank back down onto cranking wheel. Repeat this about 50+ times. Attach the casing back onto the lighter. Pointing the lighter away from you, light it up! It should look something like this or much bigger:

Modified lighter

Modified lighter

This is more used for intimidation. I could imagine someone being totally caught off guard when you aim a lighter at them! The flames can get up to 3 to 4 feet!!

2. The second device I’d like to share with you guys is something I used myself! I have had a couple of requests about this one because I have mentioned it briefly on my twitter account. Using a disposable camera with a push button flash you can turn it into a stun gun! Take off the cardboard casing and rip open (carefully) the plastic casing as well. Remove the circuit board inside with the flash bulb (flash of the camera) and the batteries intact. Be careful not to push the flash button or you could shock yourself!! Carefully rip off the flash bulb from the camera; this should reveal two copper or some other kind of metal strips. These two strips are your prongs to your stun gun! To use it push down the flash button to charge the capacitor, aim and jab exposed skin with the prongs. Should roughly give a nasty jolt of 200 volts. Painful!

The situation I was in, was when I was traveling for modeling. I was being sized up and followed it seemed so I walked into a convenience store and asked to use the phone (My phone ran out of battery life) to call the police. The man refused (He didn’t seem to speak English all that well so I don’t think he understood me). Freaking out a little bit (noticing the guy following me was chilling outside didn’t help) I looked around and noticed they sold disposable cameras. I bought one and asked to use the restroom. In the restroom, I quickly dismantled the camera and hid the circuit in my front sweatshirt pocket. Upon exiting the store I headed around the corner only to feel my shoulder tugged on. Turning around I noticed it was the man who I suspected was following me. He had something in one hand (i couldn’t remember what it was) and his other arm gripped on to my right shoulder. He screamed to hand him my valuables and phone. Within seconds, I seized the moment! Using my left arm I pulled the arm holding me to my left while pulling out the charged circuit in my right hand I jabbed it into his neck zapping him. I was reallllly lucky because it had enough juice to drop the guy. Before the man could recover, I ran away! The scariest thing I have ever had happen to me!

That wraps it up for this strange post :)~

**Just remember that this post here is for educational purposes only and is not guaranteed 100% to keep you safe! I don’t condone any violent actions and you are totally 100% responsible for your own actions.

Youthful Secrets – For Body and Mind

I have been getting a few questions about this subject about looking your best and I thought I’d share it with all of you folks.

Whether you’re a model or trying to look your best, having a youthful or energized spirit can be important! True beauty comes from within and the best way to bring it out comes by taking care of yourself. So, I would like to share some wonderful secrets to do just that.

Let’s concentrate on the body:

A good exfoliation and a moisturizer for your face (and body) is probably the most basic step: Exfoliation will trick the skin into acting young again as well as help remove: clogged pores, clear blemishes, remove dry skin, etc. While a moisturizer will help the skin repair itself and allowing younger skin cells to reach the surface.

  • While most exfoliators are good, Men: Did you know that when you shave it acts as an exfoliator? As you shave it pulls away dead skin and dirt.
  • Exfoliators can be expensive, so you could easily make a full body and face one in large quantities by making a simple 50/50 mesh of Epsom Salts and your body wash. It allows your new skin cells to have a chance to turn over.
  • As for a moisturizer, if your prone to have oily skin you may need to be a bit more careful because it may cause breakouts. So natural moisturizers like Naked Bee, may be beneficial. However, any moisturizer that may have natural antimicrobial properties work.
  • NA-PCA is a great spray moisturizer that allows moisture to be sucked into the skin from the air, a nice alternative.
  • For the Eyes:

The bags and dark circles around the eyes can be taken care of without the use of expensive creams. Using Preparation H (Yes, really) will reduce puffiness while using used moist coffee grounds on top of the eyes can reduce the dark circles.

  • Facials??

My favorite homemade facial brings out a wonderful glow and can be used up to 3 times a week:

  • 3 tsp of pumpkin puree (plain nothing added)
  • 1 tsp of raw honey

Mix these ingredients together and apply it to the face after cleansing. Leave the mixture on for at least 10 minutes before washing it off. This facial is not only antimicrobial but really hydrates your skin!

  • L-Arginine

With supplements like NO2, this amino acid could be considered to be the “handsome” or “beauty” pill. It enhances a deep tan, tones facial muscles, and reduces inflammation. Over 90 days, it could possibly reduce major signs of aging. **Although, you may want to talk to your physician before adding this as supplementation.

Let’s concentrate on the mind:

Stress is the biggest enemy of our age. While some stress is important, it has to be the common denominator for premature aging and chronic disease. Three things can combat chronic stress (these are called ‘Eustress’):

  • Exercise (Releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals and HGH)
  • Sex (Having sex regularly can help look and feel younger)
  • Meditation (Concentrating on your breathing helps reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and bring out the vibrancy in your eyes)

I hope this gives you guys some insight! 🙂

And remember, before starting any regimen ask your physician to make sure its right for you.

UPDATE and MORE of Your Sex Questions Answered! (Topics: Self-image, sex, etc)

Well, It’s been a long time since my last post! I apologize greatly for this! I have been so busy with my day job and working hard at the gym and since my schedule has been flipped around so much it has become increasingly hard to write well. Any who, an update of whats going on isn’t too much. My contract ended with my agent in mid April and I hope to sign on with another agent in the near future. Furthermore, Because of fantastic studios such as NakedSword and Falcon I have received a lot of positive attention as of late and I can’t thank them enough for all of that! That being said, I also ‘really’ want a contract with a studio. I am hoping that with a contract I can expand my idealism about sexual positivity (the idea the sex can be a positive and perhaps a healing experience) AND of course, make more extremely sexy videos ;).  I also plan to support more charity events by donation and/or making appearances. All that aside I did manage to collect some questions to answer for you folks…here are the most interesting that I had a chance to answer. As you know I post age, sex, and general location(s) but no names. Enjoy!

Hey Wolfie,

I am writing to you because I have this problem with my own body. Since I have started a relationship I have put on a few extra pounds and I hate it. When I stare in the mirror I feel so ugly and being so, I have no sex drive and feel really guilty about it when my partner and I try to get into the mood. I wish I could look like those guys on the fitness magazines! Can you help me?

Male, 28 Idaho

Hey there! You know I had to sit awhile before I could answer you. This is a tough problem that both affects men and women. There is actually a cycle that affects certain behavioral patterns when it comes to sex and body image and it is responsible for the development of certain ‘cultural diseases’ perpetuated by some cultures. I drew this chart for you to get an idea of what happens when body image and sex is negatively impacted culture in terms of behavior:

The cycle demonstrates what happens when body image is negatively affected by societal norms and taboos in correlation with sex and desire.

The cycle demonstrates what happens when body image is negatively affected by societal norms and taboos in correlation with sex and desire.

By some degree, one’s idea(s) of beauty, confidence, and well-being is affected by culture. Outside and Inside stimuli such as act of sex, desire, arousal, and pleasure is filtered into self-image. Self-image involves your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes about yourself and what you deem attractive reside here. The cycle of arrows represent western culture’s (ALTHOUGH more kinds of cultures can be considered here) norms and taboos concerning body image. This could involve physical attributes, career, and attitudes. Moving forward, a “comfort” response may or may not happen in response to these norms and taboos if self-image clashes with it. This could mean eating and drinking certain foods in large amounts OR restriction of foods and drinks (i.e. eating disorders), participation in a plethora of activities, changing physical appearance, and/or anything that may bring an illusion of control to the individual. Whether a comfort response is triggered or not; negative self-impact is developed to some degree, which may cause self-destructive behaviors and aversions or dislike towards activities such as sex and intimacy. This is where the cycle is repeated.

Now, that you know the nature of where it may stem from let us focus on some solution(s):

  •  Exercise and a good diet is actually a good part of stimulating your self-image and does not have to feed into a vicious cycle. In fact, you don’t have to fight cultural norms and stigmas to feel good about yourself, you can work with them in fact, to transform them into something better for all.
  • Recognize that beauty, health, and strength comes in all sizes so do your best to embrace your qualities.
  • expanding on the last point, change your self-talk. Remind yourself that you feel “wonderful”! The more you respond with adjectives like: wonderful, fantastic, sexy, etc. when people ask how you are, the more likely you will begin to feel and embrace those qualities.
  • Learn some DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) skills or exercises to live in the present moment.
  • Finally, Live assertively!! Assertiveness allows people to express their honest feelings comfortably, to be open and direct, without anxiety or guilt.

More so, talk to your partner about your feelings. Perhaps you two can explore something that works for both of you. Remember, When you’re comfortable with who you are on the inside, your attractiveness is infectious on the outside!


My new boyfriend and I have sex every night but I am afraid of what will happen if I am not in the mood, or better yet, if he is not in the mood. What should I do if this happens?

Male, 23 Washington

Interestingly enough, the first time one of you does not want to have sex will speak a lot about your sexual potential together. If you complain, your partner may feel like you care more about your sexual needs than his feelings. If this should happen, show affection and pay attention. If you really want to get off you might ask if you could hold him while you masturbate. If the reverse happens, you can always offer to hold him while he masturbates. If you are too tired to have sex, you can always pitch something like: “Tomorrow night I will romance you and I will plan something very special.” This helps your boyfriend not feel rejected and have something to fantasize and look forward to! Just make sure to follow through on your promise!


My question involves me using a vibrator. I find it extremely enjoyable but I heard it can be habit forming ad take away the pleasure I get from my boyfriend. Is this true?

Female 34, Texas

Hello there!

Why not use technology that makes you feel good? A vibrator can be habit forming, but it is not necessarily dangerous! For many women, a vibrator makes them more easily orgasmic. If you are worried about whether or not it would take away from your boyfriend why not…add the vibrator to your lovemaking. Most men get more pleasure from a woman who is really enjoying sex. Let me give you an exercise to try at home: Try doggie style, slipping the vibrator underneath and have it touch your clitoris while he is fucking you from behind. You’ll find the results to be extremely pleasurable!


I have this problem that has made me worried. I haven’t had sex recently or anything but recently I have noticed that balls and ass itch really badly. its kind of red and worst of all when I try to pull my foreskin back it hurts! I see these little cuts or split skin near the top of my foreskin. I am kind of embarrassed to go see my doctor, is there anything I could do? Please help me!

Male, 19 California

First of all, I am not a physician AND second you should not feel embarrassed to go see your doctor. They are there for you when you’re not well! No judgement included! However, I will leave your mind to ease. It sounds like a yeast or fungal infection! Yes, guys (especially uncut guys) can get yeast infections on their penis and genital area. The best cure for a yeast infection is an anti-fungal cream (your doctor can determine the right kind and strength) and good hygiene care like a bath with Epsom Salts or Selenium Sulfide scrub. Once you have such a fungal infection it may be easier for you to get them, so good preventative care may be needed. Limiting processed sugar, drinking plenty of water, taking a probiotic, and perhaps a tincture of Goldenseal root may be of great help during and right after a period of infection. Limiting sugar and drinking plenty of water limits food supply the yeast has to grow on; while taking a probiotic increases the good bacteria in your body which eats the yeast/fungus and crowds out other foreign matter leaving only healthy tissue; and a tincture of Goldenseal root is a little overkill but helps keep the fungus/yeast from sticking to the membranes of your skin and body. **Just remember, I am no doctor and you should really see a physician first to rule out any other illness. Furthermore, I hold no responsibility for your actions.

Well that about wraps it up! If you have any questions you might want to see on this blog feel free to shoot me a message!

***All information in this blog is for educational purposes, I hold no responsibility for your actions!

Romance, Sexuality, and Depression – Your Sex Questions Answered!

It has been over a month since I have posted something BUT I have done so for good reason!  I have been collecting emails, texts, etc. concerning sex and related topics. I have gathered a large enough pool of questions that enabled me to pick several that I thought would be a good enough to  give some insight into things individuals and couples deal with on a daily basis in their sexual relationships and exploration. When addressing these questions, I will keep names private but to give perspective and/or reference, I will refer to location, age, and male/female where possible. NOTE: The answers below are purely for education and speculation on my part. Please go see your health care provider or therapist to receive proper diagnosis and/or treatment if applicable.


I have been dating my boyfriend for over 3 years now. About 2 years into the relationship, When it comes to sex, he never wants it. He always tells me that he is too tired or not in the mood. We spend less and less time with each other and I have also noticed he sleeps a lot and lost interest in the things he likes to do. When I talk to him about my concerns, such as our relationship, he either ignores me or tries to reassure me that he will try to do  better but I have not seen any improvement. Is there something I am doing wrong? What can I do? I’m all over the place…any light that you could shed on this situation would be most helpful!

Female 24, Roseville, CA.

A very good question there. Actually I have received similar questions like yours and I want to let you know that it most likely has nothing to do with you. You boyfriend may simply be suffering from depression. More specifically,  Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is characterized by low-mood and accompanied by low self-esteem and loss or interest in normally enjoyable activities. It can adversely affect family, work, school and general health. This includes sexual dysfunction. Practicing mindfulness or picking up healthy eating and exercising habits may alleviate the symptoms. Doctors will often prescribe an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) which affect serotonin levels in your brain. They may also prescribe an SNRI (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake inhibitor) which affect serotonin and norepinephrine levels in your brain and some evidence suggest it may help cope with sexual disinterest or dysfunction. In addition to prescription, your boyfriend would have a recommendation to see a therapist because the highest success rate of remission is the combination of both medication and therapy. The medication is pretty cheap around ($50 dollars+/-) and natural SSRI’s like St. John’s Wart may also be prescribed however, herbal additions such as this is more common in Europe. Once your boyfriend seeks help from their physician(s),  you may want to try reigniting the bond between you two; like engaging in activities you two used to do in the beginning of your relationship. As for the bedroom, something sensual like Henna or body paint and massage may bring the needed attention to both of you 🙂

Hey There,

Do to daily stresses, I have been so exhausted lately. As a result, me and my boyfriend’s sexual activity has decreased. I have noticed that my boyfriend masturbates without me quite often and I wonder if he seems more interested in his solo activity than with me?

Male, 27

Masturbation is healthy, period. I think it allows us to stay in touch with our bodies and explore our sexuality.  However, it should never replace your sexual connection between you and your partner. Communicate with your boyfriend and be honest. Mention to him that you notice that he is masturbating a lot more lately and that you wonder if there is something you are not satisfying? Continue the conversation with something like: “What would you like to change or focus on in our sexual relationship.” Listen to what he has to say and don’t be afraid to share some of your own details too!

Hey Wolfie,

I have dated a few woman but I have to admit I have never had sex with any of them. I just find these urges or attractions to the same sex. I mean I don’t think I am gay. I don’t like shoes or theater stuff. I live a conservative town that frowns on homosexuality. Is this a phase or something? How can I stop it?

Male, Midwest

Well, I am unsure of your age here but I am going to take a guess you may be from a younger crowd? I think many can relate to your question here. I would like to point out something here first. Not all gay men love shoes or Broadway. There are plenty of gay men out there who like a variety of different things just like straight men do. These are just stereotypes born out of nonsense. I am sorry that you lack support where you live.  What it boils down to is that you really need to have an honest discussion with yourself and then perhaps your parents and/or trusted friends. There is nothing with being gay! You mentioned that you lived in the Midwest somewhere? I would like to share with you some LGBT resource(s) that may help you in your search for answers. It’s called Pfund Foundation which helps with LGBT communities in the upper Midwest:


I wanted to write to you because I have been dating this wonderful guy! However, when I have sex with him, I cannot reach orgasm. He is great in bed I am just lost as to why it is so hard for me to orgasm?

Female 34, FL

Did you know only 1/3 of women reach orgasm by penetration alone? The rest need oral or other physical clitoral stimulation. However,  there are techniques for penetration that allow some clitoral stimulation. You just have to do some research. Give yourself time with your partner too. In early relationships, you are still figuring out what your turn ons are with each other.  They are also more likely to happen when you relax; so perhaps a soothing bath or some incense and candles to strike some relaxation. Even eating a small piece of very, very dark chocolate can help you relax too.

Well, that wraps things up! I hope insight was provided. I really enjoyed the process of answering these. If anyone would like to ask a question, by all means ask me and I’ll post them here with an answer, anonymously of course!

Good Journey!

Wolfie Blue will be at Cocktails with the Stars on WEDS NOV 14th 7-10pm

nov 14th @ 7pm-10pm join me for west hollywood’s canned food drive!

Surprise! I’ll be in West Hollywood for Cocktails with The Stars; joined by Xander Woods on NOV. 14th at 7pm-10pm at Mickeys. As part of the show, Please bring some canned foods for West Hollywood’s canned food drive! They are asking for 5 cans per person. It’s important! Did you know that In 2011, 50.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, 33.5 million were adults and 16.7 million were children (crazy!). To be a part of the solution, we must start with places close to home.  AND by the way, Whoever brings the most cans to the drive will get a little gift from me :)~ I also will bring my hula hoop and perhaps several other surprises with me. Moreso…I’d like to apologize to Scotty B. for almost canceling on him. I- well….should have waited to be sure before I talked to him briefly today about my trip. However, after three rebookings due to my incompetence I managed to find a flight and hotel package I could afford without worrying about something that posed as a potential obstacle.  I hope to see you folks there, I know I’ll put on one hell of a show for you 🙂