My Winning Chest Routine in MRI’s “Best Pec Workout” Contest

Results after two weeks on the routine

A while back, I won MRI Performance’s ‘Best Pec Workout’ contest by submitting my own chest routine. The prize I won was a bottle of their NO2 Black, a preworkout supplement. Did you know that they were the first company to research and produce an NO supplement? Now these NO supplements are everywhere. NO (Nitric Oxide), is a cellular signaling molecule for the body, although this is considered a free radical I guess its an exception to the rule that “free radicals are bad for you thing”. Part of the processes is using L-Arginine. Your body makes L-Arginine, however, in times of stress or intense exercise your body is depleted of it therefore lower levels of NO in your body.  Basically, the inner lining of the blood vessels uses nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, thus resulting in vasodilation and increasing blood flow. This is GREAT in exercise companies who make NO supplements have figured out how to keep it in your body somewhat longer; this ‘may’ mean benefits such as: muscle growth, reduced injury, reduced inflammation, deeper tans, healthier skin, and better erections.   So here is the winning routine that you can add to your exercise program (4 to 8 weeks max)

  • Connect Cable Push Ups: (Put both machines at 100 lbs and pull the pulleys and clip the cables together; mosey underneath the cables and let it rest on the base of your neck): 3×10
  • Dive Bomber Push Ups: 3×10
  • Dumbbell Chest Press: (Pyramid up in weight each set): 4x 15,12,10,8
  • Incline Chest Press: 3×8
  • Dips (Leaning): 3×8-10
  • Dumbbell Flye Stretch: 35-90sec.

Not only will you start to form that great and powerful chest but have amazing strength too! Take this video of me doing push ups with someone on standing on my back for example: **** Before starting any exercise program or taking any supplements check in with your health care provider AND please do not perform any of these stunt(s) at home it could cause serious injury if you do not know what your doing, I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

Success for Me and Success for You! Tips of the Trade!

 Well I finally did it! I got signed on to an agency to help me find some good work! The agreement I had to sign was pretty intense but was clearly defined (Thank the stars because I HATE jargon. I can just imagine jargon in porn: its like if a geneticist wrote a Harlequin novel). I worked so hard to finally get where I am. I have to admit, in some of my shoots I was not in tip-top shape. I had a wee bit of acne, no color, and definitely not in the best shape. However, having some time to myself for that year I was gone, I had to relearn some of the stuff I learned from makeup artists, asetheticians, photography, athletic training, gymnastics, and nutrition. This knowledge really helped me to prepare myself to get ready for potential agents and shoots! Below I added some tips that can help prepare you for that awesome shoot and just feel…good!

  • As far as athletic training or gym workouts in general make sure you change it up every 4 to 8 weeks depending on the exercises you are doing. This keeps your body guessing. Mix up heavy lifting with conditioning to maximize results.
  • As far as diet goes you MUST know that it’s not a diet at all is a lifestyle change. Check with your doctor or dietician to help you structure this life change. You might even want to get a food allergy test because what could make you look ‘puffy’ or bloated is something your allergic to and not know it! However, right before your shoot (3 to 14 days) you may want to follow these things: Eat ‘Whole’ foods, No gluten, no dairy, and no processed sugar; this will significantly cut you up 🙂 Adding 5000mg of CLA and drinking green tea to your diet may boost this.
  • Core is always a problem area for everyone but adding planks to your routine will tighten up this area. I learned in gymnastics and personal training that there is a muscle that in essence wraps around your stomach to almost the back and planks will help tighten  it and make your abs ‘pop’. 4 to 5 times a week before your shoot should help this.
  • If benzoyl peroxide 10% or sulfate free exfoliators and soaps don’t work on your acne you may want to try Heliotherapy. Now, I am pretty against tanning but moderate exposure (5 to 10 minutes) will help your acne immensely! your face is very sensitive though so you may want to cover it with a towel if you just have acne on your back. Like I mentioned I hate it but I have done tanning from time to time because it seems like the only thing that worked on my acne. Just remember you create 20,000 errors of DNA in your skin everytime you tan in a booth**
  • Speaking of tan, you do want one it will make you look good on camera. If you want to avoid the tanning booth, they do offer amazing sunless tanning options at the tanning places and they look fantastic! Multiple applications may be necessary but it does its job.
  • If you do have some scars that you need to cover up dust some corn starch on it right before a shoot. Its cheap!
  • Sometimes our face can look tired and aged. to reduce the blackness around your eyes use used coffee grounds (wrapped in a cloth nice and damp) as for the rest of your skin to reduce stress they have plenty of products to liven up the skin for about 5 to 10 dollars OR Red-Light Therapy could be an option but its kind of expensive (30 to 40 a session for a recommended amount of 4 to 6 sessions).
  • As for things of a sexual nature, I think every guy wants to know how you can make your CUMSHOT larger!! You can definitely start by flexing your PC muscle (this may add distance to your orgasm, I swear I have hit the ceiling before doing this exercise). Add volume to your cumshot by eating a head of celery a day before a shoot, taking L-Arginine, taking a good multivitamin, consuming saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil, taking Zinc Gluconate, and staying hydrated. Using the supplements may take a couple of weeks or so to build in your system but your cumshots can be much more copious this way and more impressive!
  • Finally! When you shoot your test shots for potential agents and/or studios throw in some extra photos in there that have an interesting composition. Something sexy yet shows off your unique talents like flexibility

I threw a lot of information at you but this information really helped me, so, I hope it can help you too! Leave your comments below and share your thoughts!

NOTE: Just remember before doing any exercise or taking any supplements you should check in with your health care provider.

Work in Retrospect and the Future

Suite 703

Looking back, I would have to say I had an incredible time with a rundown of great opportunities. In retrospect the companies I have worked for varied in experience. Companies such as: DirtyTony, NakedFrathouse, Suite703, and finally Nextdoor Studios. For anyone who’s interested, here is a brief  review of those experiences at each company:

NextDoorStudios: Probably the most intense of all! The director, S__, is an interesting man. I think he mentioned he originally worked in Canada before creating Nextdoor. Very professional, Kind of…lets say intense? but a business type person/personality. The makeup artist is a wonderful person with a lot of spunk and character. I really adored the person who shot the video, soft-spoken yet confident, he made the experience fun and I felt extremely comfortable being filmed by his direction. The camera man and his assistant (the assistant also being in porn at one point) made the shoot easy and to the point. Both were quite fun to work with.     Working with the other models on set was quite fascinating and nerve-racking at the same time. They were in a whole other caliber. Participating with all exclusive models during my time on the set I knew I had to step it up. Austin Wilde sharp looks and personality type B traits gave him this edge which is something to look up to I think when working in the industry. Trystan Bull is a really nice guy to work with, his accent and smooth attitude made him a great partner to work with. Paul Wagner is a pretty down to earth person from what I remember, we had some discussion prior and during the shoot about small stuff, all in all a good guy. Finally, meeting and working with Cody Cummings was pretty cool! Probably the shortest shoot I ever had; we talked briefly about his experiences and how he got started in the adult industry. This was the studio that really launched me forward.

DirtyTony, NakedFrathouse, Suite703 (SparksMedia): SparksMedia was the first studio I have ever work for. The director M_, originally worked as a model for Playgirl if I remember correctly. A calm and collected person who also seemed to have this practical business sense about him. His production team is quite small and they all seem to work like a family. The Casting manager, is a pretty light-hearted person. I usually hear from her on the phone or have direct communication with her while planning a shoot and/or during the shoot as well, she is really easy going. The co-director, had a pretty fun nickname and I remember asking him about it. Of course the answer was not what I thought it would be, I think he mentioned something about the origin of his nickname while working at the bar. The driver(s) were also quite nice and very fun to talk with, I recall sharing bar drink recipes with one of them.  During the shoot, this inside joke of “banana bread” became the substitute of “cut” during a shoot. When asked about it they said the origin of the joke came from one of their models. Among other things on shoots, a value of other talents such as strength tricks, eating bananas (bananas seem to be a theme here hehe), and talents not always sexual in nature seemed to be a thing here on set. These kinds of talents often silly were actually quite effective for their website and made things more personable when working with other models. Models such as Seth, a quiet but dynamic guy; and Clayton Archer, an extremely nice guy and the originator of the “banana bread” joke; both now work behind the scenes for SparksMedia. These are the folks one would want to start out with if they are looking to work as a model in the adult entertainment industry. They make the experience a positive one every time.

Fabscout: Another thing I would like to explore is having an agent like Fabscout. I have sorta worked for them in the past but I would really love to rekindle the opportunity to work for them. H_, the man behind the organization of Fabscout, is very respectable, wise, and friendly. What I liked about H_ is he really respected and understood my need to do some soul-searching. I think a lot of people can learn something from him.

***For the future, I would love to work with these studios again! I want to set the example that working in the industry can be a physically, emotionally, and sexually empowering experience for people. In this day and age, that is a good thing. An empowered person can make a huge difference in people’s lives! Whether your working in this industry, in school, or already in some kind of career just remember that your potential is everyone’s hope. So get out there in the limelight and shine! 😉