Sex Positivity: The Movement to Promote Healthy Human Sexuality

Release your Inner Beast

My god has it been almost a month since I last posted something?? My apologies, I have been so tired working hard on a new workout routine, my day job, and school. I have also been trying to push my name out there for more shoots but no definite dates yet. I am hoping that will change by the end of this month and in august.

Anyhow, I would like to share with you guys the idea of sex positivity; a social movement aimed at promoting an attitude that human sexuality and all consensual sexual activities are fundamentally healthy. It encourages sexual pleasure and experimentation. The movement advocates sex education and safer sex as part of is campaign. William Reich, a psychiatrist and inventor of the Reich Cloud Buster, coined the term (along with sex-negativity). In America, sex, especially porn, has been shamed due to cultural and social stigmas of what is considered appropriate and inappropriate. Sex shaming and the occupation that is adult actors and actresses have been considered taboo in the West however, the pornographic industry is now a billion dollar industry. This says something about American Culture and us as a species.

     Sexologist Carol Queen defines sex-positivity as: “It’s the cultural philosophy that understands sexuality as a potentially positive force in one’s life, and it can, of course, be contrasted with sex-negativity, which sees sex as problematic, disruptive, dangerous. Sex-positivity allows for and in fact celebrates sexual diversity, differing desires and relationships structures, and individual choices based on consent.

Being an adult actor gave me the chance to be sexually empowered and value my body as something sacred and special. It has also put me in a unique position to promote advocacy and use this insight in the hopes others could find their empowerment too. In Germany and I am sure of other places in Europe, view sexuality from a much different attitude and perspective. They believe that is a part of life and should be explored; sexual experimentation and even pornography is just that: a normal part of the human experience.

Even the UN is taking notice to promoting Sexual Positivity in places where sexual exploitation is at its worst. Explaining that such movements is necessary to eliminate such abuse:

 “The elimination of sexual exploitation and abuse will only be achieved by an approach that takes women’s autonomy and equality seriously, and places at least as much importance on realizing economic and social rights for those who are most disadvantaged, as on building the rule of law and democratic institutions. The conundrum is how to address the urgent immediate problems of sexual exploitation and abuse, which have been ignored for too long, while also ensuring respect for women’s sexual autonomy and economic decision-making,” ( , 2009).

SO…I’d like to share with you folks an interesting exercise from Psychology. In a human sexuality class, we learned something called ‘Releasing Your Inner Beast’ exercise is about personifying your sexuality and sexual empowerment as an animal. It can really help you in the bedroom and allow you to explore sexuality in an interesting way.

  • First off, think about what kind of things you like and want out of a sexual experience.
  • Then, relax and close your eyes and imagine that perfect sexual experience. What are you doing, how you are feeling, and what is the environment of your sexual experience like?
  • Now focus on what you would call “primal urges”, what do you need to feel satisfied when it comes to sex.
  • In psychology if we pay attention, our sexual urges closely resembles those of other species on our planet. This is the point where we personify an animal to these urges. Its not about “I fuck like a horse” or I am as “insatiable like a wolf” its point is about the noises and actions you do – the grunts, growls, screams, and things we say and commit to action during sex and sexual activity.
  • When we do this, we can bring to the surface a lot of sexual tension and release it in a fun and exciting way.