14 Days to a Rocking Body + Personal Update

Hey there! After giving much thought, I decided to share with you guys a workout routine with an eating schedule that can get you in rocking shape in about 14 days. It targets a person who is in average to good shape so PLEASE ask your physician before starting such a regimen because I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

The reason I created this routine is because during last year, shortly after my shoot with Naked Sword, I suffered a lower back injury by saving somebody from falling (won’t go into detail). Any who, I was out of commission until January. Upon completing my physical therapy in January, Falcon Studios/Raging Stallion sent me a message with the invite to work for them. I looked in the mirror….”Freaking Great” I looked horrible! Thank god I kept up good eating habits but still! I sent a message back, agreeing to work with them and got the dates of production time (roughly two weeks later).

Here comes the hard part: I needed to restructure my diet, add a little supplementation, and a crazy workout to get into tip top shape! However, I had to keep in mind that I had also just recovered from a back injury too!

SO Below, I will share my secret on how I nailed a rocking body!

Nutrition: (sample) (low carb)


Multivitamin, 3 egg whites, 2 cups of canteloupe, black plain coffee


Unsweetened almond milk blended with papaya and honey (Secret smoothie/elixir for your skin!! drinking 1-2 glasses a  day can make your skin glow 😉 ).


Salad with walnuts and berries, chicken 5oz, green tea

(Post-workout) snack:

Double Dose protein Shake (50G protein)


Steamed Vegetables, Pumpkin Soup, grilled bison

Before Bed:

Glass of unsweetened almond milk or one-dose protein shake

Super Hero Workout:

Lift Days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Cardio is 20 Minute HIIT on Monday and Friday and steady-state 70% max heart rate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (amount of time explained below). Saturday, Sunday off. USE a good pre-workout that has some thermogenic affect too. I used a pre-workout called Black Powder Ultra – but any decent supplement will do just fine because you just need that extra support to make the fast changes.

Monday: Chest, Back, & Core

Incline Crunches: 3 x 10

Atomic Pushups: 3 x 10

Incline Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Pull-Ups: 4 x 6-8

Dumbbell Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Dumbbell Row: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6

Incline Chest Flye: 5 x 5 (Each repetition hold for 5 seconds)


Reverse Flye: 5 x 5 (Each Repetition hold for 5 seconds)

20 minutes HIIT Cardio

Tuesday: 30 minutes 70% max HR (i.e. Jogging)

Wednesday: Shoulders, Traps, Biceps, Triceps

Handstand Pushups: 3 x 10 (If this is too hard try Shimming back and forth across a pull up bar)

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: 4 x 10

Smith Machine Shrug: 4 x 10

Bicep Rope Curl: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Tricep Rope Pulldown: 4 x 12, 10, 8 ,6

3-point Lateral Raise: 3 x 10

Farmer’s Walk with Shrug: 3 x 10

Hammer Curl: 5 x 10


Tricep Extension: 5 x 10

20 minute 70% max HR: (i.e. Hula Hoop, eliptical)

Thursday: 70% max HR: (i.e. Jogging)

Friday: Legs, Core

Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 20

Planks: 3 x 1 minute

Squats: 5 x 20 (No weight added)

Phoenix Squat: (right leg crossed behind the left leg; arms bent, palms out) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

(Super-set) **These squats are me secret weapon to great legs 😉 **

Dragon Squats: (Like the Phoenix squat except have your left leg crossed behind the right leg; arms extended, palms down) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

Abductors: 4 x 10


Adductors: 4 x 10

Standing Calf Raise: 5 x 5 (Hold for 5 seconds)

20 Minute HIIT Cardio

Saturday: OFF


T-Pushups: 3 x 10

Bench Press: 4-5 x 10

Lat Pull Down: 3 x 10

Upright Row: 3 x 10

Bicep Concentration Curl: 3 x 10 (each side)

Dips: 3 x 6-8

Box Jumps: 3 x 15

Leg Extensions: 3 x 10

Leg Curls: 3 x 10

Seated Calf Raise: 3 x 10

I know…Intense right?! THAT workout should give you the home field advantage! Just remember, again,  to talk with your physician first and know your limits!

On a more personal note, I have been in contact with a couple of studios and I ‘might’ be shooting with them soon if I hear back with some casting dates. I am still looking for new representation to help me find more work and I would like to branch out more. Love to work with a few women too (shocker) ! Beyond that, I think my goal now would try and work suuupppppper hard for a contract! Perhaps a long shot…but I do have this blog to add some leverage maybe. I guess we will have to see what happens down the line!

ALSO my promo code has extended through the rest of the year: wolfie50 will still get you 50% off the websites: Falcon Studios, Raging Stallion, Fetish Force.

CLICK HERE for a direct link.

You can also view my scenes on VOD at Naked Sword too! 🙂

Okay, that’s all for now 🙂 Enjoy the workout and rock on!