Recipes For The Bedroom and The Gym (Feat. My “HARD ON” Brew & Protein Pudding)

Hey everyone! As some of you may know from my twitter and Facebook feeds, I have been working of several recipes to enhance your experience in the gym and of course…in the bedroom. As such I wanted to highlight several recipes that I have found to work the best and share them with you!

Chocolate Protein Pudding: Is it possible?? YES! I managed to create this tasty snack/meal for those who want to satisfy their sweet tooth without sacrificing a flat stomach.


  • Lucerne’s Protein Plus Milk (a milk with extra protein and extremely light on the carbs and sugars) if cannot be found 1%-2% milk will work since they usually have the lightest in carbs and sugars.
  • J-ELLO Instant Chocolate Pudding Mix (sugar-free and fat-free kind)
  • Chocolate Protein Powder (PHASE8  or PRO-NOS I have found to mix the best!) **A VEGA brand protein powder is a good substitute if you would like extra nutrients.

Follow the directions on the back of the pudding box. They usually ask for two to three cups of milk. Take one cup of milk and pour it into a blender or shaker cup and add a serving of your protein powder into it. Shake or blend well. Take the remaining one or two cups of milk (depending on directions on pudding box) and pour into a mixing bowl. Then add the protein mixture and pudding mix into the bowl. Whisk well (there may still be some lumps but this is normal). Pour into small single serving tupperwares. I find that I can usually have enough for two to three containers, each holding a serving.  Place in the fridge and the pudding should usually soft set within 5-10 minutes.

This is the pudding that REALLY helped me achieve great strides in my fitness as you can see 😉 :


Baked Egg Cups: Sick  of scrambled eggs or egg whites? x.x They are a staple for us folks who work out a lot but I had to find a new way to eat them in a convenient way and with a little thought I came up with this!


  • 4 Eggs
  • Non-stick Cooking Spray
  • Muffin Tin
  • Splash of milk if whisking eggs into scramble
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • May add ingredients like bacon, spinach, tomatoes etc (optional)
  • Add salsa, cheese, and/or sesame oil as toppers

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray generously a couple of the muffin pits with the non-stick cooking spray (two to three muffin spaces). You can either beat your eggs together and add the splash of milk (with the added options of bacon, spinach, tomatoes, etc) and fill each tin 2/3 the way full OR you can crack a 1 whole egg with 1 egg white in each space OR 2 egg whites in each space. Sprinkle salt or pepper in each muffin space to taste and place tin in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to watch your eggs so they don’t overcook and get rubbery. Once done baking, you can use a spatula or fork to pop them right out! Top with cheese, salsa, or sesame oil as desired.

Best part is you can even wrap these guys up in plastic wrap and freeze them and heat them up later in the microwave! :3

Ancient Olympian Stamina Brew: Based on several recipes used by ancient olympic athletes to increase stamina.


  • 1 Tablespoon Poppy Seeds
  • Honey to taste
  • Sweet Red Wine
  • Cinnamon Stick

add the poppy seeds and the honey to the glass of wine and stir with cinnamon stick. Leave the poppy seeds and cinnamon stick in the glass of wine and allow to steep for 15 minutes or so. Strain out the seeds and enjoy 1 hour prior to your workout.


Wolfie’s HARD ON Brew (Xocotl inspired): I wanted to mimic those hard on pills on a more instantaneous level. Inspired by the Mayan and Aztec Xocotl drink, a chocolate drink which was used to increase stamina, strength, and energy. Like Viagra, this infusion will increase blood flow, heighten the senses, and turn you on like a freaking light bulb ;)~ **I had to find some substitutes for some of the ingredients and added some to increase effectiveness.

  • 2-3 parts Organic Cocoa Powder
  • 1 1/2 parts Maca Root Powder
  • 2 parts Yohimbe
  • 1/8 or sprinkle part Organic Cheyenne Chile Powder
  • 1 part Honey or Organic sugar
  • 1/4 part Cinnamon
  • 450-900mg of Saw Palmetto
  • 500-1000mg L-Arginine

Add ingredients to your mug and pour hot water and stir until mixed well. Serve warm. The taste may be a bit of a put off but my god does it work! Play around with the amounts of each ingredient. Great to use right before exercise or sex 😉


Xocotl Inspired Drink


That wraps it up! So, go and try these recipes and may it enhance your gym and sexual experiences!!

Speaking of sexual ;)~ Don’t forget I still have my Promo-Code: WOLFIE50 that can be used on sites like Falcon, Raging Stallion, Fetishforce and HotHouse for 50% off on your membership!


**NOTE: These recipes are (c) to myself! Please direct interested parties to me AND don’t consume or start any regime without the consent of your physician first! I cannot be help responsible for your actions.