Your Sex Questions Answered 3 (feat. Upping your Libido)

That’s right! It’s time for you, yes YOU! The readers, twitterfolk, facebookers, and followers of all kinds have their sex questions answered by yours truly! πŸ™‚Β  Like before, I will leave the name anonymous but I will add gender, age, and general location if available.


Hey Wolfie,

I have been loosing my sex drive over the past month or so and it has been really bothering me. It has got to a point where its affecting my performance and sex in general with my husband. Do you have any tips that may help me?

Male, 29 Illinois

Sounds like your libido (or sex drive) has been decreased. This may be a medical issue (i.e. low testosterone, etc.) and you should follow-up with your PCP. However, your libido is a convoluted ‘thing’ which involves physical, mental, and emotional components. It very may be just be some simple thing not being addressed in your life. Whatever the case, I would like to share with you my top 10 ways to boost libido (not in any particular order) :

  1. Red wine with a little cinnamon in it and simmered for a wee bit can increase circulation and decrease anxiety.
  2. You may want to try aphrodisiacs like roll-on perfumes or cologne enhanced with pheromones or even things like oysters or pumpkin seeds which are loaded with ZINC which is the same stuff that is essential for fertility and making your money shot copious and creamy πŸ˜‰
  3. Expanding on Aphrodisiacs, you try my chocolate and maca root drink recipe (Wolfie’s Hard On Brew) HERE
  4. EXERCISE will help keep the blood flowing and increase mood which is good for libido.
  5. Eat the right things! Expanding a bit on number 3, try to keep your diet colorful with your fruits and vegetables with at least 5 to 9 servings. This insures your body and your sexual organs receive exactly what it needs to perform well!
  6. A massage or light touching can reduce stress and anxiety and create a wonderful mood for intimacy. It is also extremely beneficial for those suffering from depression.
  7. Break any bad habits like eating too much processed sugar or smoking it can affect your insulin levels and circulation.
  8. Learn to feel good about yourself. Give yourself compliments in the mirror, smile more, and just spoil yourself when you feel down. Better self-esteem = better libido
  9. Water. Adequate water intake ( like 3 Liters) does wonders for your body. Even reduces fine wrinkles and disease.
  10. Experiment. Sometimes experimenting in the bedroom can be a very healing experience πŸ™‚

Just make sure you follow through with your Physician first to rule out any medical problems and go from there.


Hello Wolfie, I was hoping you could help me with this problem.

See After I got married, I noticed my husband started to put on some weight and he cannot stand how his body looks and it bothers him too much to be aroused. Is there anything I can do to help him?

Female, 25 New Mexico

It sounds like your husband is feeling less desirable because of the weight gain. (I might be making an assumption with this point but) Change some of your lifestyle habits may be a good start; like start a hobby together such as dancing, soccer, sailing, surfing, running, weight training and focus on some your guys’ food choices and make them better and more sensible for an active lifestyle.

Also get him to talk! Communication is key, especially with your sex life! A healthy and happy sexual relationship is where you know each others needs and are prepared to give and receive.



I’ve been quite happily married for quite some time but I have been thinking about one of my coworkers at work a lot. She’s funny, we have lunch together on our breaks and I just can’t stop thinking about her. I think about her so much that I just tune out my wife sometimes…We haven’t done anything but I was just wondering if I am getting in deep water here?

Male, 27 San Diego

Well…Yes you are definitely putting yourself in a dangerous situation. You have to make a choice here. Do you want to threaten your marriage you invested x amount of years into? Or would you like rekindle your passion and commitment to your wife? Fantasies are healthy and yes, I have heard of open relationships but in any case it sounds like you have run into a rut with your relationship, no? All that routine can really dampen a love life. Bring the spark back into it by taking your wife out on dates again, buy some sexy underwear for her (and you πŸ˜‰ ) , Kiss her, hug her, open your heart again with your wife and keep it ‘professional’ with your coworker.



I have been so lonely and well, my partner left me for another man not too long ago. How do I go about finding the confidence to have my heart out there again?

Male, 22 Nevada

A valid question. I am so sorry it didn’t work out with that guy but I wanted to tell you that those feelings are normal to a degree and it really, really hurts 😦 . Finding the confidence again to go out and see other people will take: time, patience, and loving yourself. Start by going to the gym, take a few community college courses if you’re not in school already, or take a community garden/cooking class, volunteer, paint (yes paint, it opens up your emotions), even see a therapist if need be. The idea here is to nurture yourself. You are beautiful person and you deserve to love yourself and someone out there deserves to love you too! πŸ™‚



Well that’s all the questions I have right now, If you feel like asking a sex question anonymously and have it featured here, feel free to email me or send me a message and I’ll get right on it πŸ™‚ I also like to remind you that these questions are for educational purposes only any advice or thoughts here are taken at reader’s own risk. I cannot be held responsible for your actions!



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