Rise From the Ashes: Phoenix Workout, Costume, and a Little Update

I’d like to apologize for not posting in a while…I know it has been over a month since my last post but I have been extremely busy with doing overtime at the unit I work at, a couple shoots in West Hollywood which can be seen at gayroom.com , and my costume for Halloween.

Speaking of halloween, anyone who knows me really well knows that I love Halloween! I think its important because it is the one day out the entire year where you can bring out your ‘inner child’. A wisdom rarely shared in adult lives. A night toΒ become who you really are and living free in the present moment. This kind of creativity can be enlightening and healing…

That being said, I decided that this year with my costume budget I would create a Phoenix inspired costume. The mythological fire bird that rises out of the ashes and begins anew. For this costume I had some prep work: I moisturized my skin and added black glitter across my whole body and gold red fire glitter across my face to create an illusion of ash, smoke, and fire. The costume pieces had: Black and red whimsical wings, smokey colorful gloves, lovely underwear, furry red warmers, and an awesome feather mohawk (which was the only piece i did not make myself. I had this created by a wonderful woman in Hawaii! CLICK HERE to see her little shop πŸ™‚ ).

Now I worked my stars off in the gym too! I wanted to look really sleek and defined for this costume. The end of the workout I gained 5lbs of muscle, dropped to 6% bodyfat and a 28″ waist.

So…I would like to share my success it all of you! Its a workout combining different resistance training techniques, including a pyramiding weight technique, (i.e. 4×15,10,10,8) where you increase the weight with each new set of reps;Β  and cardio sessions which combined a steady state cardio for the first 15-20mins and HIIT cardio for the last 15-20mins to really peel away the layers and help make my muscles look tight, sleek and dense. At the end of the week, you will do a full body routine on Saturday, where you will do one warmup set and then set the weight to a 6-7 resistance (1 being easiest to lift to 10 being the hardest to lift) and do only one working set of as many reps as you can. This workout is designed t be done for 4 weeks πŸ™‚

Phoenix Workout:

Monday: Chest, Back, Abs

Cable Crunches 3xFailure

Atomic Pushups 3×10

Pull-Ups 4×10

Incline Dumbbell Press 4×15,10,10,8

Bench Press 4×6

Dumbbell Row 4×12,10,8,8

Straight Arm Pull Down 4×12

Dips 4×15,12,10,10

20 minute HIIT Cardio


15 minute steady state cardio + 15 minute HIIT Cardio


Shoulders, Traps, Abs

Incline Crunches 3×10

Elbow-supported Leg Raises 3×20

Handstand Pushups 3×8-10

Barbell Raises 4×10

Dumbbell Shrugs 4×15,10,10,8

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4×6-8

Smith Machine Bent Over Row 4×10

Bradford Press 1x to Failure OR Battling Ropes 1 x failure

20 minute HIIT Cardio


Biceps, Triceps, Abs

Planks 3x30secs, 45secs, 60secs

Monkey Bars or Shimmy across pullup bar (back and forth) x 3

Close Grip Bench Press 3×10

Wax-off Dumbbell Curl 4×10

Tricep Extension 4×15,10,10,8

Hammer Curls 4×15,10,10,8

Skull Crusher 4×10

Hanging Concentration Curl 4×6-8

No Cardio on Thursday

Legs, Abs

Full Body Ab Crunch (Machine) 3×10

Staggered Squat 3×10 (each side)

Power Squat 4×6-8

Leg Extensions 4×15,10,10,8

Lying Leg Curls 4×15,10,10,8

Calf Raises 4×10

20 minute HIIT Cardio


Full Body to Failure: (Make sure to do a warmup set before your one working set to determine your 6-7 ‘hardness to lift’ range) – You may pick any exercise to work the muscle group unless otherwise specified.

Deadlifts 3×10

Abs 1xfailure

Chest Press 1xfailure

Lat Pulldown 1xfailure

Back Extensions 1xfailure

Lateral Raise 1xfailure

Bicep Cable Curl 1xfailure

Triceps 1xFailure

Squat (Body Weight Only) 1xfailure

Calif Raises 1xfailure (Hold each repetition for 10 seconds)

15 minute steady cardio + 15 minute HIIT cardio


The diet was simple, starting with a a huge cheat day the night before starting this routine (to fill those glycogen stores) and then during the routine, keeping the complex carbohydrates really early in the morning. Stay away from wheat gluten and processed sugar as much as you are able.

At the end of this routine I had some very yummy results =]~ :

End result of 4 week Phoenix workout

End result of 4 week Phoenix workout

That about raps up this entry! I do have some pretty big plans for the next couple of months. Including some more shoots possibly and some fun things that include all of you to win some prizes (yay!).

Now, time to enjoy the rest of my BIRTHDAY weekend! ^_^ ciao!

Also, my promocode for 50% off of RagingStallion, fetishforce, and Falcon still works! Use wolfie50 to get yourself taken care of! πŸ™‚

NOTE**: Before starting any exercise routine, please check with your physician. I cannot be held responsible for your actions. πŸ™‚

The Top 10 Questions Answered!

Someone gave me the idea to post the top 10 personal questions I am asked on occasion here, on my website. I thought, “Why not?” I have them listed here in no particular order and I paraphrased the question(s) asked to be more easily understood. Some questions are sexy, some are mundane, Enjoy!

  • Wolfie, your bio says ‘activist’, what do u campaign about?Β 

I voice my support for sex positivity, a movement that shares the idea that sex is a positive and healing force (see my blog entry HERE to learn more about the subject matter); disease research (Like that of DRACO and other innovative approaches for cures); and universal human rights (Did you know there are 30 universal human rights?? Check out this AWESOME video of the story of human rights truly inspiring!). I also show peripheral support in forms of anonymous monetary donation(s)- nothing extremely substantial.

  • (Speaking of donations) I heard you give out donations to charities and other causes? Is this true? Any chance you could help me with school??

Yes πŸ™‚ from every shoot I participate in (with an exception of a couple of shoots in the past :(( ), I donate a percentage of my earnings from each production and give them to local charities, education, and foundations. The amount varies too and are always anonymous. They may not be substantial but it helps I think! And no, I cannot help you or anyone with tuition. I love education but I think there are plenty of ways for one to acquire resources for their future instead of asking me try FASFA?

  • What kinds of food do you eat?

I eat a diverse range of grains, nuts, seeds, fruit, greens, and a little bit of meat. I do shy away from processed sugars and wheat gluten. Here’s an example of whats usually in my pantry:

I eat a combination of fruit, egg noodles, wildcrafted foods, greens, and a little bit of meat.

I eat a combination of fruit, egg noodles, wildcrafted foods, greens, and a little bit of meat.

  • You look amazing! I love your legs and your abs! Your eyes are sooo blue (You wear contacts?) ! What do you do? What’s your workout??

To be honest, it’s about 60% of what I eat and 40% of what I do. Different kinds of squats and HIIT running takes care of my legs while core stability exercises really help to tighten the muscle belt around my midsection and make my abs ‘pop’. What I eat helps cut me up and make my muscles grow. As for my eyes…No, I do not wear contacts. They are my real eye color πŸ™‚ :

100 percent blue! haha

100 percent blue! haha

  • What’s one of the hottest experiences you can remember?

Probably fucking someone on their backyard swing which ended with me squirting 15 times (yes 15 times!) in one cumshot! (mmm haha)

  • So are you single? Gay, bi, or straight?

*hahaha* I am single πŸ™‚ and I am bisexual. I love men and women equally for different reasons. If you’re human I’ll probably find you sexy inside and out πŸ˜‰ If you’re an alien well…we might have to talk and have dinner first haha (oh, man XD )

  • Do you go to school?

I have finished school already and have 5 degrees. I am going to go back to school to finish my master degree soon!

  • Where do you work and what’s the strangest job you ever had?

I take care of people and I also consult on personal image and business. However, my more important work I do is classified…sorry. The weirdest job I ever had would have been when I worked as a psychic (YES, really). I did fairly well and was even on television for an interview at one point for my ‘ability’ I guess you could say. I think people throw the word psychic around too much these days as a blanket word….

  • What do you do in your free time?

Oh boy, if only I had free time! I do love going to the gym, hula hooping, double dutching, painting (my case i use oil pastels), reading, and sometimes a video game or two!

  • What do you love about sex and why model for adult films?

I love all the bodily sensations and emotion that comes with sex. More so, I enjoy its capacity to heal and the opportunity to explore more of the human experience. There is wisdom in it and I feel its important to pay attention to. The adult entertainment industry does help pay for my tuition bills and other things yes, but it also gives me a chance to share with you guys and gals as well as learn from you too!

That wraps up the most common questions I get asked often πŸ™‚ Let me know if you have anymore personal questions or rather, would like your sex question(s) answered or a private image consultation πŸ™‚


14 Days to a Rocking Body + Personal Update

Hey there! After giving much thought, I decided to share with you guys a workout routine with an eating schedule that can get you in rocking shape in about 14 days. It targets a person who is in average to good shape so PLEASE ask your physician before starting such a regimen because I cannot be held responsible for your actions.

The reason I created this routine is because during last year, shortly after my shoot with Naked Sword, I suffered a lower back injury by saving somebody from falling (won’t go into detail). Any who, I was out of commission until January. Upon completing my physical therapy in January, Falcon Studios/Raging Stallion sent me a message with the invite to work for them. I looked in the mirror….”Freaking Great” I looked horrible! Thank god I kept up good eating habits but still! I sent a message back, agreeing to work with them and got the dates of production time (roughly two weeks later).

Here comes the hard part: I needed to restructure my diet, add a little supplementation, and a crazy workout to get into tip top shape! However, I had to keep in mind that I had also just recovered from a back injury too!

SO Below, I will share my secret on how I nailed a rocking body!

Nutrition: (sample) (low carb)


Multivitamin, 3 egg whites, 2 cups of canteloupe, black plain coffee


Unsweetened almond milk blended with papaya and honey (Secret smoothie/elixir for your skin!! drinking 1-2 glasses aΒ  day can make your skin glow πŸ˜‰ ).


Salad with walnuts and berries, chicken 5oz, green tea

(Post-workout) snack:

Double Dose protein Shake (50G protein)


Steamed Vegetables, Pumpkin Soup, grilled bison

Before Bed:

Glass of unsweetened almond milk or one-dose protein shake

Super Hero Workout:

Lift Days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Cardio is 20 Minute HIIT on Monday and Friday and steady-state 70% max heart rate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (amount of time explained below). Saturday, Sunday off. USE a good pre-workout that has some thermogenic affect too. I used a pre-workout called Black Powder Ultra – but any decent supplement will do just fine because you just need that extra support to make the fast changes.

Monday: Chest, Back, & Core

Incline Crunches: 3 x 10

Atomic Pushups: 3 x 10

Incline Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Pull-Ups: 4 x 6-8

Dumbbell Chest Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Dumbbell Row: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6

Incline Chest Flye: 5 x 5 (Each repetition hold for 5 seconds)


Reverse Flye: 5 x 5 (Each Repetition hold for 5 seconds)

20 minutes HIIT Cardio

Tuesday: 30 minutes 70% max HR (i.e. Jogging)

Wednesday: Shoulders, Traps, Biceps, Triceps

Handstand Pushups: 3 x 10 (If this is too hard try Shimming back and forth across a pull up bar)

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: 4 x 10

Smith Machine Shrug: 4 x 10

Bicep Rope Curl: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6


Tricep Rope Pulldown: 4 x 12, 10, 8 ,6

3-point Lateral Raise: 3 x 10

Farmer’s Walk with Shrug: 3 x 10

Hammer Curl: 5 x 10


Tricep Extension: 5 x 10

20 minute 70% max HR: (i.e. Hula Hoop, eliptical)

Thursday: 70% max HR: (i.e. Jogging)

Friday: Legs, Core

Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 20

Planks: 3 x 1 minute

Squats: 5 x 20 (No weight added)

Phoenix Squat: (right leg crossed behind the left leg; arms bent, palms out) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

(Super-set) **These squats are me secret weapon to great legs πŸ˜‰ **

Dragon Squats: (Like the Phoenix squat except have your left leg crossed behind the right leg; arms extended, palms down) 3 x 20 (No weight added)

Abductors: 4 x 10


Adductors: 4 x 10

Standing Calf Raise: 5 x 5 (Hold for 5 seconds)

20 Minute HIIT Cardio

Saturday: OFF


T-Pushups: 3 x 10

Bench Press: 4-5 x 10

Lat Pull Down: 3 x 10

Upright Row: 3 x 10

Bicep Concentration Curl: 3 x 10 (each side)

Dips: 3 x 6-8

Box Jumps: 3 x 15

Leg Extensions: 3 x 10

Leg Curls: 3 x 10

Seated Calf Raise: 3 x 10

I know…Intense right?! THAT workout should give you the home field advantage! Just remember, again,Β  to talk with your physician first and know your limits!

On a more personal note, I have been in contact with a couple of studios and I ‘might’ be shooting with them soon if I hear back with some casting dates. I am still looking for new representation to help me find more work and I would like to branch out more. Love to work with a few women too (shocker) ! Beyond that, I think my goal now would try and work suuupppppper hard for a contract! Perhaps a long shot…but I do have this blog to add some leverage maybe. I guess we will have to see what happens down the line!

ALSO my promo code has extended through the rest of the year: wolfie50 will still get you 50% off the websites: Falcon Studios, Raging Stallion, Fetish Force.

CLICK HERE for a direct link.

You can also view my scenes on VOD at Naked Sword too! πŸ™‚

Okay, that’s all for now πŸ™‚ Enjoy the workout and rock on!

How to Protect Yourself as a Model and Be Ready For Anything!

I get a lot of modeling questions (where to start, is this a good agency, how do I workout, etc). I don’t think I am the best to answer these questions, however, I would like to point out specific subject matter that came to my attention not too long ago. In the (Adult) modeling world, there are some very plausible and even dangerous situations one can find themselves in. If I haven’t hinted it by now I would like to reveal that I have had training and ‘need-to-know’ information that would make me formidable in many scenarios. I would like to set up some examples here and what you could do to protect yourself in case you run into mental/emotional, legal, physical, or other dangerous situations. Each scenario is hypothetical and have the probability of happening (mild to extreme will be addressed)

Scenario 1: A contract is breached between you and your agency or studio/company by your agency or studio/company.

I have rarely seen this happen. When it does happen,Β  the law provides that if a promise is breached- the aim would be to restore the person wronged to the position they would occupy if the contract had not been breached, rather than punish the breaching party. However, most of the time to do this it can be expensive. Depending on what happened or is happening, try talking with your agency or studio first. I bet you anything, more than not, it was a mere oversight and they would be happy to work on the issue to make it right.

Scenario 2: In email, you find you are booked for a shoot! Congratulations! although you never figure out which company or website they work for. You arrive to a shoot on location and find out it’s an ‘audition’. You see a small HD camera on a tripod and 1 individual. After talking to the individual, you never signed a release form for modeling.

I have found this scenario to happen quite often 😦 . I’d like to point out two red flags here, potentially three. The first is that you never know what company you are working for. This is bad because you never know if you sent an application to the party in question and you don’t know where your content will be posted. Second red flag is that there was no release form signed. This is BIG because it shares possible information that this ‘shoot’ may not be legitimate at all. Finally, the third red flag is the whole thing turning into a surprise audition!

While maybe, this may all be circumstance it may just be safer to just leave and avoid any conflict and/or harm that ‘might’ happen. It’s not worth it. Let the individual know you had a change of heart. Most likely, they won’t fuss over you leaving. If they do fuss or let’s say you decided to do the ‘audition’ and something goes wrong – doesn’t matter who they are or what reputation they have – get out of there and let someone know what happened.

If you are still unsure about a scenario such as this, then maybe it is better to get an agent to represent you. I am unsure what are the top agencies for straight models are but for the gay porn industry some of the best agents are: FabScout (a brilliant team whose models are extremely successful), BaileeyProductions (Great agency to work with), FCF Agency (Works extremely hard with both male and female models), AdultModelFinder (An experienced staff that works with a large number of studios 80+ I think). These guys have A LOT experience and can protect you from scenarios like these by never exposing you to them.

Scenario 3: A man in San Francisco, comes to talk to you and offers you a gig to come to a private party. You are expected to be in your underwear or naked mingling with guests. He emails you later with details about meeting up in San Francisco at a later date, compensation of $150.00 per hour plus tips, and leaves no number to contact him. When asking for the number he dodges or ignores the request(s) and asks you to meet him somewhere in San Francisco.

You could meet the man in person in a PUBLIC place to discuss the party in detail so you can determine for yourself if this is something real and would want to do. However, the whole thing does sound kind of fishy; it may be better to just let this one go and not pursue it any further. IF you do end up going you are taking the risk that this may be something more serious involving shady individuals, drugs, even some kind of sex trafficking. (I’m jumping the gun here I guess I know) Let’s say the party is pretty shady and beyond a reasonable doubt there is something illegal going on, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble fast…

The goal is for you to slip away unnoticed. Right when the party starts when people are distracted excuse yourself to the bathroom. Lock the door and look for a medicine cabinet. If you do find one sift through it. You may find a plethora of things but what I want you to look for is a medication bottle with a prescription. This is important because they have a legal name on it followed by sometimes a phone number and an address. Take a picture of the bottle with your phone. If you don’t have your phone try to remember what you have seen. After doing so, do your best to grab your things and quietly leave the party. Go to a public place and call the police to file a report. Since you have a name (from the medication bottle) the police should be able to follow-up on the matter.

Interestingly enough, this situation is actually based off of true events. Happened to a friend of mine, very peculiar situation he managed to avoid before things could have escalated into something more dangerous.

Scenario 4: While making an appearance at a bar, someone tries to pick a fight with you.

The best way out of this situation is to avoid the fight altogether and leave. However, if there is no way out of the situation the best way to survive the fight is to act so crazy and/or frightening that no one wants to fight you. You have to make people believe that you are bringing a level of violence completely out of proportion to the situation. Grabbing a chair in one hand and something in the other followed by screaming as loud as you can is a pretty safe bet to set the tone. It makes you look insane and gives the idea that you are going to be the one walking away from the fight–which means that probably no one is going to mess with you!

Scenario 5: Unusual circumstances puts you in immediate danger

In dangerous situations, you just need to get away as fast as you can. This question/situation asked is simply to vague to address BUT I am going to show you some easy mini-projects you can do at home or on the go to use to protect yourself in hypothetical situations.

1. Using a cheap lighter (the one with a valve on the opposite side of the trigger that hasΒ  – to + symbols on it) take the silver or black casing off of the lighter exposing the valve. I want you to crank it towards the + side then lift the crank up and back to the – symbol pulling the crank back down onto cranking wheel. Repeat this about 50+ times. Attach the casing back onto the lighter. Pointing the lighter away from you, light it up! It should look something like this or much bigger:

Modified lighter

Modified lighter

This is more used for intimidation. I could imagine someone being totally caught off guard when you aim a lighter at them! The flames can get up to 3 to 4 feet!!

2. The second device I’d like to share with you guys is something I used myself! I have had a couple of requests about this one because I have mentioned it briefly on my twitter account. Using a disposable camera with a push button flash you can turn it into a stun gun! Take off the cardboard casing and rip open (carefully) the plastic casing as well. Remove the circuit board inside with the flash bulb (flash of the camera) and the batteries intact. Be careful not to push the flash button or you could shock yourself!! Carefully rip off the flash bulb from the camera; this should reveal two copper or some other kind of metal strips. These two strips are your prongs to your stun gun! To use it push down the flash button to charge the capacitor, aim and jab exposed skin with the prongs. Should roughly give a nasty jolt of 200 volts. Painful!

The situation I was in, was when I was traveling for modeling. I was being sized up and followed it seemed so I walked into a convenience store and asked to use the phone (My phone ran out of battery life) to call the police. The man refused (He didn’t seem to speak English all that well so I don’t think he understood me). Freaking out a little bit (noticing the guy following me was chilling outside didn’t help) I looked around and noticed they sold disposable cameras. I bought one and asked to use the restroom. In the restroom, I quickly dismantled the camera and hid the circuit in my front sweatshirt pocket. Upon exiting the store I headed around the corner only to feel my shoulder tugged on. Turning around I noticed it was the man who I suspected was following me. He had something in one hand (i couldn’t remember what it was) and his other arm gripped on to my right shoulder. He screamed to hand him my valuables and phone. Within seconds, I seized the moment! Using my left arm I pulled the arm holding me to my left while pulling out the charged circuit in my right hand I jabbed it into his neck zapping him. I was reallllly lucky because it had enough juice to drop the guy. Before the man could recover, I ran away! The scariest thing I have ever had happen to me!

That wraps it up for this strange post :)~

**Just remember that this post here is for educational purposes only and is not guaranteed 100% to keep you safe! I don’t condone any violent actions and you are totally 100% responsible for your own actions.

Surprise!! Get 50% off your membership with Falcon, Raging Stallion, and more with my Promo Code: wolfie50

This is what I have been waiting for. I finally managed to get some promo codes to you folks so that you guys can enjoy my scenes as well as countless others for half the price! I am really excited with this! The promo code runs through May 2014!

PROMOCODE: wolfie50Β Β  PROMOCODE: wolfie50

You will have access to the hottest studios in the making! Such as Falcon, Raging Stallion, FetishForce, and JockStudios. Here’s some hot photos of yours truly from some scenes that may be available to you:

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SO Get your membership now at half the price using the PROMO CODE: wolfie50

Click here for direct access:




You can also view my dossier on Falcon HERE: Wolfie Blue

Enjoy the Promo, I know I will ;]~

DVD Released “THROB” by Raging Stallion

Surprise! A new DVD came out! THROB features yours truly as well as several other fantastic guys guaranteed to make you tent your jeans! This new Hard Friction release was directed awesome Steve Cruz and the Super Bruno Bond! Some the stills here are killer! Like me riding it like a champ HERE and getting blown HERE

Freaking hot! Right?! Even TLAGay mention that one of the three reasons why to buy this film is because of the “complete anal surrender” I performed. πŸ˜‰

You can order your copy of THROB at Raging Stallion ‘s Website: CLICK HERE TO ORDER


Raging Stallion/Falcon NEW DVD launch – Guys Like Us (With Yours Truly!!)

I wanted to share more of the shoot(s) I did back in Jan/Feb for Raging Stallion/Falcon studios. Guys Like Us (Launched April 3rd), is the newly launched DVD line by the award-winning director Andrew Rosen (The attractive Robert Downey Jr. look-a-like) (yes I did say that).Β  Basically, no buildup to the sex…just pure fun with hot guys! What makes this new series also special is the new cinematic experience the viewers are able to experience with the use of new production techniques using a new type of camera that literally is like a jack of trades with its capacity to use a wide variety of lenses. That being said, it also has yours truly being rammed in the hardest and most sexiest experience ever. Let me give you a taste: Check out these NSFW glamour shots : Wolfie’s Glory AND Wolfie’s HoleΒ  AND Check out this plethora of HOT goodness


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Enjoy the slide show! and order your copy from Falcon/Raging Studios Today! CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR COPY

My Shoots with Falcon and a peek into my new arm routine!

Roughly right after my shoot from Naked Sword was published, I was given the opportunity to work for Falcon Studios and their affiliates at the end of January and again in February. On my way to San Francisco for the first shoot, I was so excited. SO awesome I nailed such an opportunity! I stayed at the Good Hotel the night prior, since the shoot time was right around the time when the traffic between Sacramento and San Francisco were horrible. Sitting in the office, filling out the paperwork I was curious who would be my scene partner. By the stars, guess who walks in?? Angel Rock! I almost couldn’t speak! We ended up not talking too much at the office but once we arrived on site to the shoot location we talk a whole lot more. The cutest thing I remember was watching this video clip he shared with me and the crew. It was him eating snow (In fact being in the snow for the first time), “Ooh, it tastes like ice”, he said.
Moving along, the house we shot the scene in was some sort of Eco-home? Fantastic really…even though it took me several minutes to know how to use the toilet, the sink, the shower, the microwave, you get the idea. The director And___ is a great guy! I swear he looks just like the actor who played Tony Stark in Iron Man (hot) (haha). Very patient and has a great eye!

The scene’s premise had very little introduction and a whole lot of sex!Β  AND I have to say, it was the hardest I have been fucked…ever.Β  It had a lot of energy and I was really, really loud. I hope you guys enjoy watching it when it comes out too!

Angel Rock and I - porn shoot break ;]

Angel Rock and I – porn shoot break ;]


Returning to San Francisco in early February, I shot a live scene for Hard Friction for the same studio group. My scene partner, Connor Maguire was smoking! We had good chemistry too. The show was about an hour ‘live’ and then there was about an hour off of the air. We were running behind schedule but the web scene was all in all a great experience! I really loved Ste__ Cru__ the director! He packs a lot of passion and has great energy. And the photographer,Β  Bru__, is a very insightful man – I learned a lot from him.

Finally, I would like to share with you guys a very successful new workout that made my arms get huge and pumped!

Werewolf Workout (Biceps, Triceps, Traps, Shoulders)

  • T-Pushups 3×10
  • EZ-Bar Bicep Curl 4×12,9,6,3

Β Β Β Β  -Superset-

  • Dips 4×8-10
  • Tricep Extensions 5×5

Β  -Superset-

  • Dumbbell Concentration Curl 5×5
  • Barbell Shoulder Press 4×12,9,6,3


  • Farmer Walk with Shrug 4×10
  • 3-Point Dumbbell Lateral Press 5×5


  • Dumbbell Shrug 5×5
  • Hammer Curl 3×10


  • Wrist Curl 3×10

Check it out πŸ˜‰


Join me LIVE with Falcon Studios!! FEB 7th. 7:00pm PT / 10:00pm ET

Β Β Β Β  Hey there! I know I’m running on the edge posting this a day before – but I wanted to let you know that I’ll be LIVE with Connor Maguire at Falcon Studios!!

Feb. 7th 2013 7:00pm PT / 10:00pm ET.

Come join in and watch! Trust me, you’ll need a wheel barrow for your…you know. πŸ˜‰

18+ Adults Only!!

Here is a link to the show: CLICK HERE FOR LIVE SHOW

CONTEST: Have a Chance to Win a Sexy Prize Pack!

Hey there! So its been a while coming for Naked Sword’s original, UNDISCOVERED to come out (I know I have written a little bit about it in a previous blog). Mr. P__, the director, and Le__ F_, have a great eye for composition. Check out the stills and video for yourself; like this hot-shot of my bum ;] CLICK HERE

Which brings me to my little contest. I’ll have a form posted below, all you have to do is fill it out and describe to me what kinds of things that YOU would like to see from shoots in the future! Not only will it help spur more ideas but your input could potentially make things really, really, really hot :]~ The contest winner will be determined by ingenuity of ideas and composition. US and International are okay. Contest ends on January 22nd. The prize pack will include things such as: lube, flavored condoms, sexy lollipops, supplements (for…you know πŸ˜‰ ), massage oils, and a small coffee gift card. A perfect gift for that cute coffee date and some things to try out later in the bedroom *wink*.

So if you like, fill out the form below with your name, email, andΒ  idea(s)/hot scenarios in the comment box (all of this will stay private) and click send. I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope your new year starts out fantastic! And don’t forget to check out the new web series from Naked Sword,Β  with Tyler Alexander and yours truly :]~ which you can find here: UNDISCOVERED

*Photos (c) Naked Sword*

Contest Entry Form