To Love Unconditionally

This subject matter has been floating around in my head for a little while now…a recent conversation I had on some social networking sites and some co-worker(s) at my day job has urged me to talk about it.

Loving unconditionally, in terms of sexuality is, well it can get confusing because culture, sub-culture, biology, and society can color it like a prism. In LGBTQ (+ more)- sexual orientation was essentially examined by the APA and have done some recent research on the longitudinal stability of sexual orientation over the adult life span and turned up interesting plausability. This doesn’t mean that sexuality is driven by choice because its more complicated than that because that involves biology, genetic factors, hormones, auditory system (root cues), birth order, and environment. Although I think there needs to be more research on the latter two factors to really say it has a marginal effect. What I am trying to say that sexuality is fluid and as humans, the ability to love unconditionally is innate.

In the conversations I have had with individuals on social networking sites or in my personal life, my sexual preference is asked many times over and while I identify myself as a bisexual, I think love is wonderful no matter where you find it. One could argue that I may even be pansexual (a term coined where an individual finds attraction to all gender identities and biological sexes). Maybe that is so… (hell, there’s even a running joke of me dating an extraterrestrial haha [long story]). I find my sexuality to be very fluid and while I do gay porn, I am open to shoot opportunities that may help expand this part of myself (ex: shoots with transgendered individuals, women, both men and women, etc). The point I am boiling down to is just I never knew that so many people in the adult industry would have a such knee jerk reaction to this; I get flooded with so much attitude from the straight community and the gay community that I feel like i am in the inquisition! (i.e. You have to like one gender more than the other? why not do straight porn? how do you feel about transgendered? You’re really Gay4pay aren’t you?, etc.) Its ridiculous…and some (not all) are just perpetuating more discrimination in an age where we know discrimination serves NO purpose…never will.

To love unconditionally means so much to me. Love, is greatest power the world has ever known! So, no matter what walk of life one comes from, what gender identity or biological sex they are, I love the heart of any sentient being; their soul. (Perhaps, the adult entertainment industry can expand on the idea of love and sexuality together and help transform it into something?)

This…brings me to what I wanted share with you all, an exercise if you will; an exercise to observe and notice compassion and unconditional love in action:

Before we start, have any of you ever heard of Guanyin? The Bodhisattva associated with compassion? From what I remember in my anthropology classes, She (originally depicted as male) was being transformed into the Thousand Armed Guanyin, and as she began her journey to heaven and was about to cross over into heaven she heard a cry of suffering from the world below. She turned around and saw the massive suffering endured by the people of the world. Filled with compassion, she returned to Earth, vowing never to leave till such time as all suffering has ended.

Keeping that story in mind, My exercise to you is to stop for 5 minutes in your day and observe others. Try to see yourself in the eyes of someone else that you become. Listen on in others conversations (respectfully), watch how others walk, what there face looks like, what they’re doing too. Now I want to imagine the emotional palette that flows through them and wonder it might feel like to be them. (Getting a headache yet? 🙂 ) Now, comes the hard part….engage those people. Smile, say hello, buy them a coffee, hell even hug them. Express love in such a way a human can only do unconditionally. What better way than to commit such action toward a stranger? After your encounter, record your results in thought or on paper and repeat several more times. You’ll find out something about others and something about yourself you never knew. 🙂

And that is why I love unconditionally.
